It’s been so long since we had chicken liver! Maybe 4-5 months? Thus, I decided to cook a meal with it! Just for a change of palate. 

Taken from a video (I forgot to take a photo -.-“)


Chicken Liver ( 1 & ½ cup) 

1 Large-sized onion  

3 long Green chilies 

2 tsp chopped garlic 

Oyster sauce 

Soya Sauce (dark) 

Light Soy sauce 


Black Pepper 

Coriander Powder 

Red chili powder 

Coriander Leaves 



Quantity: 4 People 


  1. Heat oil in a pan (preferred steel)  and add the chopped onions. Once the onion turned white, add the chopped green chilies. 
  2. Put 1 tsp of red chili powder, 1 tsp of coriander powder, and add a little bit of water. Cook for 20 seconds. 
  3. Add the chicken liver and mix the ingredients. Add salt and black pepper.  
  4. Squeeze a little bit of lemon, dark soy sauce, light soy sauce, and oyster sauce. Cook for a while and add a small amount of water (just to avoid it getting too dry).  Cook over medium flame. 
  5. After 2 minutes, add vinegar and cook it again for 2 minutes. (Just occasionally add water to avoid getting it dry) 
  6. Sprinkle some coriander leaves and serve hot. 

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